Teaching Staff Department of Science Mr. Lhaten (HOD) Physics/ Environmental Science MSc. Physics 77379616 lhaten@education.gov.bt Mr. Pema Tshewang Chemistry/Biology B.Ed. 77360002 pematshewang215@gmail.com Mr. Kinzang Norbu Biology/Chemistry B.Ed 17624661 kinzangnorbu@education.gov.bt Mr. Sangay Norbu Biology/Chemistry B.Ed. 17732590 snorbu01@education.gov.bt Ms. Ugyen Choden Chemistry PgDE. 17595640 ugyenuc1998@education.gov.bt Mr. Karma Tshewang Rinzin ICT B.Ed 17772580 karmatrinzin@education.gov.bt Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Ms. Choki Wangmo (HOD) Mathematics/ICT B.Ed. 17609339 cwangmotency@education.gov.bt Mr. Sangay Wangchuk (Study Leave) B.Ed. 17657096 swangchuk16@education.gov.bt Mr. Sangay Choeda Masonry Diploma in Civil Engineering 17981077 sangaychoeda1@education.gov.bt Ms. Dechen Choden Plumbing B.Tech in Civil Engineering 77790101 chodec@education.gov.bt Department of English and Humanities Mr. Sangay Chodrup(Study leave) English/History B.Ed 17825972 schodrup@education.gov.bt Ms. Tshering Pelden Economics PgDE 17480225 tpelden12@education.gov.bt Mr. Toula (HoD) English B.Ed (p)/PgDE 17634171 tloden@education.gov.bt Mr. Laguman Gurung (Academic Head) English B.Ed. 77682660 kpygurung@education.gov.bt Ms. Pema Wangmo English MA English 77397001 pwgurung@education.gov.bt Department of Dzongkha Mr. Tshering Dorji (HOD) Dzongkha B.Ed 17803280 tdorji9599@education.gov.bt Mr. Jampel Dorji Dzongkha B.Ed. 17544901 d.jampel@education.gov.bt Mr. Tshewang Choejur Dzongkha PgDE 17477392 chonjurt@education.gov.bt Mr. Leki Wangdi Dzongkha B.Ed. 17969131 lekiwangdi2017@education.gov.bt Ms. Yeshey Yangtsho Dzongkha B.Ed 17962450 yeshiyangtsho53@education.gov.bt General Mr. Kinley Wangdi (HOD) General B.Ed. 17807106 ondikily@education.gov.bt Mr. Tandin Wangyel General B.Ed. 17635645 twangyel7@education.gov.bt Ms. Pema Desi General PTC 17843003 desipema16@education.gov.bt Ms. Sonam Choden General B.Ed. 77444440 chodensonam15@education.gov.bt Ms. Choning Wangmo General B.Ed. 17420168 Choningom@education.gov.bt Mr. Pema Wangda General B.Ed. 17941399 pwangda20@education.gov.bt Ms. Lobzang Cheki General B.Ed. 17531953 dchoki.moon@education.gov.bt Mr. Pema Tshering (Non-Academic Head) General B.Ed. 17430964 pemat1984@education.gov.bt